Tired of Toxic Conflict and Intolerance?

Our communities and our world are frightfully divided. News stories of hatred, violence, and extremism overwhelm us. Family relationships and friendships fall victim to differences in political ideology. Communication is constrained by social media and electronic devices. Homeowners are more preoccupied with surveillance systems than welcome mats. In short, empathy and forgiveness are out of style.
Are you tired of “us vs. them” thinking? Do you find conversations with others who don’t look or think like you to be stressful and hurtful? Do you long for understanding and respect that transcend differences?
Honor Dignity

Dignity is the birthright of every human being. In fact, injuries to dignity are every bit as hurtful as physical injuries. The humanity of each person is interwoven with the humanity of all others. Our nature is goodness. Conversely, no one is born cruel or heartless. No one is irredeemable. There is hope for each of us. There is no end to the human capacity for healing. Indeed, peace always comes to those who choose to forgive.
Looking at conflict and intolerance through the lens of human dignity reveals paths to peaceful coexistence.
Engage in Dialogue

Each of us has a unique name and face and story. When we distort or blind ourselves to those things within ourselves or others, we divide. We attack each other and violate dignity. But when we take the time to learn the name, look into the face, and hear the story, our adversary becomes one with us in the fabric of humanity. We find ourselves building bridges in place of walls. Wrongs are forgiven. Dignity is restored.
We make ourselves whole when we mend the broken relationships in our lives.
Build Bridges

We encourage people of varying ideologies, races, religions, generations, and gender identities to explore the roots of their differences and biases. Check out the organizations and suggested reading in our RESOURCES link above. Learn to engage peacefully in difficult conversations and to mend fences. Whether you are among the politically polarized, the marginalized, or the mainstream, we urge you to join hands and hearts with others who share your humanity, although perhaps not your persuasion.
No matter which side of a divide you find yourself on, you have a place at the table. In reality, dignity violations are often mutual. There is no good guy vs. bad guy here.
Blindness to the inherent human dignity in ourselves and others leads to divisiveness, prejudice, and conflict. Dignity Dialogues started as one man’s vision to overcome that blindness by facilitating civil dialogue that, first and foremost, honors dignity.
Over time a growing and thriving bridge building movement has grown under the capable leadership of many organizations that are much better equipped than Dignity Dialogues to advance that vision. Hence Dignity Dialogues now serves
to raise awareness and refer interested parties to capable resources instead of providing services directly.