Celebrate Differences


Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion: Hopeless Ideals or Keys to Success

We live in a world that is deeply divided along just about every dimension, including race, ethnicity, politics, religion, gender identity, and others. We live in more of a “cancel culture” than a complementary one. Words such as diversity, equality, and inclusion are more likely to invoke heated political debate than heartfelt philosophical conversation.

Everyone Pays for Divisiveness

Our divisiveness comes at tremendous cost to human life and potential. A house divided cannot stand. An organism divided against itself is at worst diseased and at best falling short of its full potential. Yet we are mired in divisiveness at a time when our communities most need the best from each of us to address the challenges of hunger, disease, violence, weather disruptions, and other threats to our future.

Everyone Gains from Inclusiveness

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It takes both heads and tails to form a coin. Such principles are increasingly espoused by organizations that are driven to maximize innovation, excellence, and long-term profitability. Many employers now adopt official diversity, equality, and inclusion statements as part of their human resource policy. A quick Google search finds an example within the NSA, which says, “This is the essence of diversity and inclusion: seeking out those who are different from ourselves and leveraging their unique perspective to enhance our own understanding. At NSA, we enrich ourselves and our mission by working together, not in spite of differences, but because of them.”

A 2018 Forbes article explains why “…it’s time you understand that you need to be the most vocal supporter of diversity, equality and inclusion. Why? Because it makes good business and economic sense.” Research shared by the Harvard Business Review shows that corporate diversity leads to greater and faster innovation. It’s not just good corporate citizenship. It is good business.

So Why Do We Divide?

So, why do we remain so deeply divided? First, it’s easier to tear down than it is to build up. Tearing down can lead to short term opportunistic gains albeit with costly blowback. Second, we spend much of our time interacting within an echo chamber of social and news media that thrives on fear, disillusionment, and drama. Bad news sells. Fear raises the price. Third, we are largely isolated from each other as fellow human beings. We depersonalize those whom we don’t know or understand. These are only three of many contributing factors.

Pastor Rick Warren says, “Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.”

How Do We Unite?

At Dignity Dialogues, we look at it through the lens of human dignity. When we choose to respect human dignity, we begin to appreciate that all people and all sides have merit. A tapestry of varying opinions, beliefs, and lifestyles brings balance, wholeness, and beauty to life. It sparks creativity and excellence.

When we take time to look past the identity group and see the real, whole person walking beside us, we begin to appreciate our shared humanity. In the words of author, trainer, and communications professional, Kern Beare, “Only by standing together on the ground of our common humanity can we secure the future we most want for our children and ourselves.”

Where Does It Start?

The notion that more dignity, equality, and inclusion for one person or group means less for another is founded in fear and disillusionment. Quite the opposite is true. Until we are all afforded these ideals, none of us fully realize them. I challenge you to examine your own actions and preconceptions. All the corporate and public policy in the world cannot deliver dignity, equality, and inclusion unless our hands and hearts lead the way.

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