Reconciling Differences

The Dignity Dialogues blog examines the dynamics of conflict and the intricate process of reconciling differences. It explores the role of human dignity violations in perpetuating conflict and examines the healing power inherent in honoring human dignity. Dignity Dialogues offers paths from blame and blindness to understanding, forgiveness, and acceptance. We believe that all conflicts are reconcilable when the parties choose to honor dignity.

We invite readers to leave comments and submit essays relevant to the blog. This is a moderated blog. Comments and essays will be published only after approval by the moderator. It is best to submit essays by email to We welcome your questions and insights.


Civic Bridgebuilding: Emerging Response to Polarization

According to a Fox News poll conducted in May, 2022, 81% of Americans are extremely or very concerned about political polarization within their country. Citizen Data, an organization that leverages data to “protect and strengthen American democracy”, concludes from an April 2022 survey that Americans rank “political polarization and division” as the second highest threat to American democracy behind only “influence of money in politics”.…


America Talks and National Week of Conversation

America Talks 2022 (April 21 & 23) invites Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs to connect one-on-one or in small groups, face-to-face on video. This event is powered by over 150 nonpartisan, bridge building organizations and promoted by USA TODAY and other media partners.…

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